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Does Ayurvedic Medicine Have Side Effects?

A healthcare approach that sees you as more than just a collection of symptoms, and as a unique individual with specific needs and imbalances. That is the promise of Ayurveda, an ancient healing tradition that has stood the test of time. But in a world where modern medicine reigns supreme, you may wonder: Does Ayurvedic medicine have side effects? At…

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Which Ayurvedic Medicine is Best for Mouth Ulcers?

If you have ever experienced the discomfort of a mouth ulcer, you know how it can affect your daily life, making it difficult to eat, drink, and even speak. We understand how frustrating it can be. Fortunately, Ayurveda offers time-tested remedies that can provide relief and healing. Let us explore the best Ayurvedic medicines for mouth ulcers and how you…

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Ayurvedic Daily Routines for Harmonizing Mind, Body, and Spirit

In our fast-paced world, it is easy to neglect the inner self and lose the vital connection between mind, soul, and body. This trio is fundamental to holistic wellness, encompassing mental clarity, physical vitality, and spiritual peace. The harmony of these three elements is crucial for overall health.When any part of this triad is out of balance, we feel it…

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Ayurvedic Home Remedies for Hair Fall and Scalp Health

Whether you are a busy professional juggling multiple responsibilities or a student facing the stress of exams, the fear of losing your hair can be overwhelming. Are you tired of seeing your precious locks fall out like autumn leaves? Is the fear of bald spots making you lose sleep? You are not alone. Hair fall is a universal concern that…

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What Is The Ayurvedic Medicine For Vertigo?

A sudden feeling of the world spinning around you, leaving you dizzy and disoriented? Maybe it hits you when you stand up too quickly or turn your head too fast. Vertigo, a common yet unsettling sensation, can disrupt your daily life and make even simple tasks feel daunting. But fear not! Swasthya Ayurveda is here to guide you through the…

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Why Does Frozen Shoulder Happen?

Have you ever felt like your shoulder was stuck in a block of ice, making simple tasks like reaching for a cup or lifting your arm a painful ordeal? If so, you might be experiencing a condition known as a frozen shoulder. But fear not, because, at Swasthya Ayurveda, we are here to thaw out that stiffness and get you…

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Herbs and Ayurvedic Remedies for Arthritis Pain

Are you one of the many individuals battling the discomfort of arthritis and back pain? Dubai is a fast-paced city, where life moves fast, and finding relief from these ailments is of utmost importance for maintaining a high quality of life. The way we live now, with lots of sitting, not much exercise, eating unhealthy foods and feeling stressed out,…

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Preventing Allergic Rhinitis Complications with Ayurveda

A fresh new day dawns filled with promises and possibilities and you take a deep breath, only to be greeted by an uncontrollable onslaught of coughs, sneezes, eyes itching and nose running continuously that dampen your spirits and derail your plans for the day. If this scenario sounds all too familiar, you might be one of the millions who suffer…

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The Ayurvedic Approach to Digestive Health in Children

In Ayurveda, the digestive system is considered the foundation of the overall health of children and adults. Known as “agni” in Sanskrit, it symbolizes the digestive fire responsible for breaking down food and transforming it into nourishment for the body. When agni is balanced, children experience vitality, immunity, and optimal growth. However, imbalances in agni can manifest as various digestive…

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The Ayurvedic Approach to Boosting Immunity

What if I told you that your body already has everything it needs to ward off illness and thrive in the face of adversity? It is true!In today’s fast-paced world, where we hustle through life’s challenges. Our immunity often takes the backseat. However, according to Ayurvedic practices, immunity is not just about fighting illness; it is about fostering balance and…

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