What is PCOS?

Polycystic ovary syndrome, simply known as PCOS, is the most prevalent endocrine disorder in the world, affecting between 6 and 12 percent of women of reproductive age. The syndrome is a complicated and heterogeneous condition that may have various clinical manifestations. The hormonal imbalance associated with PCOS creates problems in a woman’s ovaries and reproductive system. The ovaries produce an egg that is discharged each month as part of a regular menstrual cycle. However, in women with PCOS, the egg may not develop properly or be released during ovulation as it should be. In some cases, multiple cysts are formed in ovaries as well.

PCOS has been identified as one of the primary causes of infertility, as well as having an impact on cardiovascular health. If left undiagnosed and untreated, it can lead to diabetes, high cholesterol, and an increased risk of endometrial cancer. Diagnosing and treating PCOS as early as possible is critical to prevent its repercussions.

Symptoms of PCOS

Numerous cysts on the ovaries and a slew of other issues, such as infertility and menstruation irregularities, facial hair, male pattern baldness, acne, and obesity, characterize PCOS. Other symptoms include ovarian cysts, high blood pressure, pelvic pain, sleep apnea, and insulin resistance.

What Causes PCOS?

It is difficult to pinpoint the exact cause of Polycystic ovary syndrome. At one point, it was believed that excess androgen production primarily caused PCOS. However, recent studies have revealed that Metabolic Syndrome, related to insulin resistance and elevated insulin levels, plays a vital role in PCOS.

Metabolic Syndrome may best reflect the long-term implications of our modern unhealthy lifestyle. The usual suspects of metabolic dysfunction are junk foods, lack of exercise, hormonal imbalances, and stress. Although genetic and environmental factors contribute to metabolic syndrome, obesity, and physical inactivity are the most important.

PCOS Massage Therapy with Ayurveda

The holistic approach of Ayurveda treats PCOS by addressing its fundamental cause and creating a personalized treatment plan by analyzing the patient’s medical history in depth. Herbal medications and Ayurvedic PCOS massage therapies strengthen the female reproductive system by resolving hormonal imbalances and doshas. Various Ayurvedic treatments are available that help eliminates toxins from the reproductive system, resulting in the purification of the uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes, and vagina. Hence, Ayurvedic treatment of PCOS/PCOD proves to be a better alternative than modern Western medicine in terms of side effects and avoiding any complications in the future.

Ayurvedic massage therapy for PCOS works effectively in combination with lifestyle changes and dietary modifications. Ayurveda employs a multifaceted approach, and its therapeutic methods are not limited to a specific disease category. Complications from PCOS are treated by addressing the underlying causes, such as insulin resistance, obesity, or hormonal imbalance.

Fertility Massage for PCOS

Women with PCOS have an abnormality in hormone production and frequently experience a pelvic blockage. By increasing blood circulation throughout the body and activating the endocrine (hormonal) system, fertility massage for PCOS can promote the proper functioning of your body’s organs, regulate hormones, boost your immunity, reduce inflammation, and alleviate your tension, anxiety, and depression.

Some of the popular Ayurvedic massage therapies for PCOS treatment include, but are not limited to:

  • Abhyangam: Abhyanga, or a full-body massage using medicinal oil, will increase the body’s blood circulation. In addition, it improves blood flow to the ovary and stimulates ovulation and menstruation. Abhyangam also reduces stress and promotes the healthy production of hormones by the endocrine system.
  • Shirodhara: Shirodhara works to alleviate stress and tension by acting as a stimulant for the marmas on the head and neck. Restoring and calming the nerves, Shirodhara treatment purifies the mind, releases emotions, and harmonizes the vata constitutions.
  • Virechanam: In this detoxification technique, herbal laxatives are administered as medicinal oils to expel all types of contaminants. Vierchana is excellent at regulating irregular or heavy menstrual cycles and managing other PCOS symptoms.
  • Vasthi: Vasthi or enema is the most effective Ayurvedic PCOS massage therapy for balancing vata dosha. Sneahavasthi (oil enema) and Kashaya Vasthi (decoction enema) are administered depending on the condition. These therapies will aid in colon and rectum cleansing. In addition, it unblocks Apana Vayu, which helps to regulate the menstrual cycle.
  • Vamana: This massage therapy for PCOS focuses on inducing oral vomiting through herbal medications. Undergoing Vamana treatment boosts fertility, balances hormones, and is essential for the effective, long-term management of PCOS.

Swasthya Ayurveda Medical and Wellness Clinic, a leading Ayurvedic clinic, has a team of experienced Ayurvedic practitioners dedicated to offering Ayurveda’s health-giving, healing benefits. The center provides medications and therapies under the guidance and supervision of Dr. Divya Menon, who has over 11 years of experience in Ayurveda consulting and treatments.  The Ayurvedic doctors will have a detailed discussion to learn more about your body type, health conditions, and lifestyle before prescribing the appropriate Ayurvedic treatment for PCOS.